Being approached by prospective students
The application process and evaluating applications
Enrolment in the degree
Coursework and coursework enrolment
The supervisory panel
Composition and role of the panel
Setting expectations
Meeting with your student
Giving feedback
Changes to the panel
Topic development and topic changes
PhD seminars
Thesis by compilation
Administrative roles of panel members
Updating the composition of a panel
Manage My Degree (MMD) eForms
Fieldwork supervision
Program and scholarship leave (aka 'suspension of program')
Change to program intensity/study load
Change of research program
Extension of program
Withdrawal, unsatisfactory progress, and termination of candidature
Mental health
Academic matters
Student competence
Administrative issues
Pastoral care
Getting started checklist
3 month checklist
6 month checklist
12 month checklist
2 year checklist
3+ year checklist
Finishing and submitting checklist