We're still here :)
Campus is closed
Even though the ACT is reopening, ANU campus remains closed. This means that you cannot go onto campus and you cannot access the Crawford complex, including the Stanner Building. The buildings have been locked down and your building access card will not work if you try to get into the building. As soon as we hear that HDR students will be allowed back on campus, we will let you know.
Essential access to campus
If you have essential items that you must collect from Stanner (for example, because you are returning to your home country), you can request special permission to enter campus. To request this access, please do the following:
Contact the CAP General Manager (GM), Liza Flanagan, at Send her an email along the following lines:
Dear Liza,
My name is [XXXXX], [u1234567], a PhD student at the Crawford School of Public Policy, and I am writing to seek permission to access the Stanner Building on [DATE]. I require access as I will return to my home country on [DATE]; hence, I need to collect my personal belongings and clean up my office ([ROOM NUMBER]). I will ensure that I spend no more than two (2) hours on the day I am granted access and I will carefully follow COVID-19 health and safety protocols. If possible, I would like to access my office on [X DATE].
Please find my WHS hazard and risk assessment, and my flight ticket attached for your perusal.
Thank you for your time, and I am looking forward to your response.
Yours Sincerely,

[NAME]" -
Attach to your email a risk assessment (download the template). If you haven't completed ANU's WHS risk management training, we suggest you nevertheless fill out the form and make a note of it to the GM. You will not be granted access until you have provided a risk assessment.
Attach to your email any copies of any relevant documents that will help your request, for example, your plane ticket.
Cc Megan so she can step in and clarify anything for the the GM, if necessary.
You should receive a response within 48 hours or so, which will tell you what date and time you will be granted permission. You will be provided with a security escort, who will let you into the building.
Contacting Tracy
Tracy is working remotely.
Email: Please include your uNumber (student number) and a phone number for Tracy to call you on, if she needs to.
Phone: 02 6125 8537.
Contacting Megan
Megan is working remotely.
Email: Please include your uNumber (student number) and a phone number for Megan to call you on, if she needs to.
Phone: 040 191 3638.
Zoom: See Megan's email signature block for the passcode.
WhatsApp: +61 401913638 (for calls and instant messaging/chat for overseas students only)
Calendar: Check my calendar for my availability and email me with a time that suits you (IMPORTANT: you need to put the calendar in week view to find a slot where I'm not busy; you will not be able to see all available times unless you put it in week view, which you can select at the top right-hand of the calendar.)
Text: Please do not text me unless it is an emergency, or unless I have forgotten that we have a meeting scheduled (in which case, you should call me)!
The IT desk remains open. If you need IT help, please log a job with the ANU's IT Service Desk. You can also call the IT Service Desk on 02 6125 4321.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
You can access your ANU-networked files and folders off-campus using a virtual private network (VPN). Please see Accessing your files via the Global Connect VPN on the IT page for instructions on how to do this.
Reverse proxy log-in
This will allow you to access certain ANU systems such as the ANU Library, systems that run Drupal (e.g., the system that allows you to update your profile on the Crawford website), and certain databases.
Go to
Log in with your ISIS details
Type in the URL of the site you are wanting to use, e.g.,
You should now be able to access that site
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) allows you to access your on-campus PC from home so that you can access things such as the Crawford School Stata licence and ANU networked software such as EViews. See Remote desktop protocol (RDP) access
on the IT page for info on how to access your remote desktop. Any problems, please contact the IT Service Desk and put Megan on the watchlist. Don't forget that you also Access the digital commons computers from off-campus.
Connect to the VPN (see above) using the staff portal: From there, search the knowledge base for 'Mathematica' and follow the ANU's Mathematica installation instructions.
The Crawford School has upgraded to a network licence for Stata/MP 17. This can be used on your Crawford networked computer on campus; however, it is also possible to use this virtually from home if you are using a PC device. Please see the Stata info on the Facilities, Services, and IT page.
Supervision will continue, even if only by online communication. All HDR supervisors have been told by the VC that they must discuss with their PhD students how to re-organise students' work schedules, and to help you plan any changes to your research. Supervisors have been provided with a research continuity checklist to guide them through the planning and re-organising process.
You are encouraged to re-visit any research plans you currently have and consider how they will develop over the next 6 months. Please get in touch with your supervisor to ensure their support for any changes to your plans. Make sure they know about the checklist. Any new plans or re-organisation will need to be documented in case you require additional time extensions on your program. Please see the ANU's Research information page for more details.
Please let Megan know if you have any problems getting the supervision you need and she will investigate. Remember, it might be that your supervisors are themselves struggling with the changed work and home environments.
TPRs and final oral presentations are still going ahead, via Zoom. Please contact your PhD seminar co-ordinator to schedule your seminar. You are still expected to make progress on all your other milestones. If you are struggling, please contact Megan.
Please make clear, dated notes regarding any disruptions the current COVID-19 pandemic has had on our research. Whilst providing extensions have normally not been a problem for the Crawford School in the past, you would smart to document the impacts the crisis is having on your progress.
That said you are still, where possible, expected to progress your research, which means you need to talk to your supervisor and adjust your plans to accommodate the present circumstances.
Automatic extensions to program were made during the first lockdown in 2020. We do not have any information on whether or not further automatic extensions will be granted.
Adjustments to coursework are being handled by the Coursework Degrees team. Please contact Tracy for any matters that she can assist with, such as enrolments.
We have been in touch with all students listed as having been on fieldwork or travel when the pandemic started and we are working individually with them to determine how to manage their circumstances. This is being done on a case-by-case basis.
If you were hoping to undertake fieldwork or travel overseas as part of your candidature, we strongly, STRONGLY encourage you to contact Megan for advice on how to manage your plans.
For those wishing to conduct fieldwork in Australian states and territories, a series of protocols and guides to assist HDR candidates has been developed. You can apply to commence fieldwork in all Australian states and territories, subject to the following conditions and local lockdown rules:
Required ANU research fieldwork protocols are met.
A COVID-19 fieldwork plan has been approved by your supervisor.
Fieldwork must comply with all travel requirements and restrictions applicable at the time.
A WHS risk assessment has been completed and approved.
A travel form and all supporting documentation have been approved in the ANU travel system.
You can find details on these requirements on the ANU's HDR candidates research information page.
ANU assistance
Please see the ANU's financial assistance page to see if you are eligible for help from ANU.
Temporary Crawford HDR home office funding
This funding is now closed. Retrospective applications will not be considered.
Whilst research activity on campus has been reduced, regulatory requirements must still be met in regards to ethics protocols. As part of your research planning and re-scoping, consideration must be given to the overall ethics position, regardless of whether the activity is continuing - remotely or on campus - or has been paused.
You can still book in with Megan for a consultation on your text or other matters. Just send her and email, she'll set up a time, and you can do the consult by phone Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype or whatever.
See the ACT Government's COVID-19 info page. It has info on things such as
Feel free to chat with Megan if you are feeling stressed, anxious, confused, uncertain, worried, sick, worried-sick, or all of the above!
And don't forget to link in to other resources:
Feeling good at home (during COVID-19) (ANU RSPH)
Australian Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert info
See a list of all of ANU's Health, safety & wellbeing services
The ANU Crisis Support Line. 1300 050 327
Lifeline. Crisis support and suicide prevention. on 13 11 14
1800RESPECT. National domestic and family violence hotline and counselling service on 1800 737 732
Mensline on 1300 78 99 78
Other useful resources
Use the following resources to make sure your workstation is properly set up and that you take care of your general health and well-being.
Megan is a health and safety representative (HSR) and an occupational strains liaison officer (OSLO). Please contact her if you want to book a time to go over your set-up for your home-based workstation.
​Your Crawford PhD student reps have opened a Whatsapp group chat to stay connected while physically distancing. They suggest you use it in many ways, including but not limited to:
Sharing information and ideas
Sharing experience on how to work effectively from home
Feeling connected and supported
Collecting feedback on measures taken by the university to support remote work and research
Identify activities you can do together
Note that you can download the WhatsApp app to your computer, so you don't have to always type on your phone.
Rolling catch-ups via Zoom
Rolling catch-ups are held every Tuesday at 10am during lockdown, and is a nice way to stay in touch with each other, particularly the international PhD students. Here are the details:
The ANU Library has developed a list of those publishers who are providing open access to their scholarly collections. To assist in navigating the extent of the ANU Library’s resources the Library has developed online guides to resources related to Asia & the Pacific and they are currently developing more guides.
The ANU Library will not charge late fees during the ACT lockdown. If you have material due during this time and are unable to return it, you will not be charged any late fees.
Read more about ANU Library COVID-19 support.
The CartoGIS Services team continues to offer its usual range of mapping, visualisation, and GIS consultation services, which are free for staff and HDR students in the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. They are in the process of developing an Online Introduction to GIS course, and will provide more information on this course in due course. The team's phones have been forwarded to our mobiles and we are available for consultation via Zoom.
Please don’t hesitate to contact them with any queries: or +61 2 6125 2230.
Shut Up and WritePlease see the info on PARSA's SU&W sessions.
ANU's COVID-19 advice page is a portal to ANU's other COVID-19 pages and includes info on wellbeing, working from home, research information, financial assistance, community support and more.