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Making decisions about and overseeing HDR at Crawford


The Crawford Higher Degree Research (HDR) Committee is chaired by the HDR Directors and covers HDR matters and makes decisions on student scholarships and funding requests, where appropriate.

The committee meets every second month, plans the School's HDR-related activities, and designs and implements relevant policies. The committee also makes decisions on student scholarships and visiting fellowships where appropriate. Representatives on the committee include the HDR Convenors from each of the Crawford streams (POGO, RE&D, NSC, ACDE), the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor, the HDR Administrator, and HDR student representatives. Meetings are held every second month, except (typically) January.



The Crawford Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Committee oversees, manages, and implements ANU policy on higher degree by research, and leads on non-routine HDR-issues of school-wide significance as appropriate to promote a high quality and supportive environment for PhD students. It advises and/or seeks approval from the Director and Executive group on all relevant HDR-related issues and other relevant tasks assigned by the School Director.



  • Review and provide feedback to the College and University on HDR-related matters as representative of the School 

  • Review and align School HDR requirements with college- and university-wide HDR policies and changes 

  • Disseminate information regarding relevant University and broader policy developments 

  • Oversee the PhD student experience at the School, including academic skills provision 

  • Promote HDR student academic welfare through regular PhD student seminars, workshops, and other development events 

  • Promote quality and rigor of PhD programs through planning and review of coursework requirements 

  • Promote quality and rigor of PhD programs through review of all HDR milestones, coordination of PhD student presentations, proposals, outcomes, and examination reports 

  • Advise on academic matters relating to the PhD 

  • Advise on administrative matters relating to the PhD

  • Advise the Executive on issues relating to PhD 

  • Advise on other matters referred to it by the Crawford Executive 

  • Review, evaluate, deliberate, and where relevant, endorse applications, scholarships, and research funding (via a sub-committee that excludes the student representatives on the grounds of privacy and confidentiality considerations)



  • Director, HDR (Chair), appointed for a period of two-to-three years with the possibility of having tenure extended with approval from the Director, Crawford School. Must have experience in PhD completions at Crawford

  • Program Convenors for ACDE, POGO, READ, and National Security, each appointed for a period of two-to-three years with the possibility of having tenure extended with approval from the HDR Director. Where possible, they should have experience in PhD completions at Crawford

  • PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor, ongoing appointment

  • CAP-HDR Student Administrator, ongoing appointment

  • Two student representatives, at least one of whom is female, appointed for one year. Students may be re-appointed if there are no nominees for an election



  • Meetings held every second month 

  • Members who cannot attend send apologies and, where possible, a proxy

  • A quorum will consist of the Chair, and a majority of total committee members 

  • Secretarial support is provided by the CAP HDR Student Administrator, and meeting proceedings are formally minuted

  • Minutes are provided for distribution to the School Executive 

  • Outside of the regular meetings, the Chair may lead electronic consultations on HDR-related matters, such as review and evaluation of Crawford funding requests


All committee members

  • May attend and speak at the committee meetings

  • Have their attendance minuted when minutes are being taken

  • May request that the Chair invites an additional person or persons to attend a particular session

  • May propose items for the agenda to the Chair

  • Are provided with the agenda papers

  • Are expected to read the agenda papers and minutes when available

  • May be assigned action items by the committee


HDR college and school governance

  1. Represent the program on the Crawford HDR Committee

  2. Review and implement college-wide HDR program policy changes

  3. Align local HDR program requirements with Crawford School requirements

  4. Develop HDR coursework requirements

  5. Attend Board of Studies for HDR coursework and participate in reviews of coursework requirements

  6. Assess and rank school applications for scholarships; produce supporting documentation for Endeavour applications for domestic and overseas applicants

  7. Act on a rotational basis in place of DA at CAP HDR Committee meetings if DA unavailable

Admission and administration of HDR program

  1. Coordinate HDR application processes, acting as point-of-contact for academic HDR enquiries; advise applicants on supervision; review and determine quality of applications

  2. Screen HDR applicants

  3. Advise local program HDR recruitment as regards domestic and international students

  4. Coordinate HDR applications with supervisors and CAP admissions

Oversight of HDR student progress

  1. Circulate HDR training opportunities both domestically and overseas

  2. Review and approve HDR local program variations, appeals, and complaints

Advice, development, and pastoral care for HDR Students

  1. Act as main coordinator for HDR student academic welfare; resolve supervisory issues where necessary

  2. Review and administer local program funding applications; review school-level funding applications

  3. Resolve disputes between students and PhD panels


HDR Convenor position description
Minutes from previous meetings
Tems of Reference

©2018 by Crawford PhD

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